
[听歌学英文] 英文版《孤勇者》,送给不肯认输的你

点击加关注👉 高中英语教学交流网 2023-03-09



英文作词:肖恩Shaun Gibson


You know, the bravest souls你可知 最勇敢的灵魂

Are wearing all their bruises, scars and wounds, they're all on show展示着你的淤青 你的疤痕 你的伤口
Don't hide, no need to hide不要隐藏 都不必隐藏

The fissures in the mask, your wear concealing your true side裂痕扯开的假面下 才是你真正的模样

They said go 他们说
Said go and tame every monster with your light要带着光驯服每一头野兽

They said go 他们说走吧

Fight every single fight like this is your last fight把每一场都当成你的谢幕

Not every hero wears a goldencrown并非每个英雄都头戴金冠

Or hears the sound of glory from the crowd亦非所有英雄都能听到人群赞颂

Who said heroes can't found here on the ground谁说污泥满身的不算英雄

Love how you stand on your own爱你傲然屹立的神状
Won'tbowdown to anyone不向任何人弯下脊梁

Love how you keep fighting on爱你无畏的反抗

When all hopes is gone即使面对绝望

Love how yourefuseto cry爱你不肯哭一场

Block yourfate eye for an eye也要堵命运的枪

We're so similar you and I爱你和我那么像

Both refuse to die都拒绝死亡
Go now? Should I? Wearing these rag clothes去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风
I'll fight, survive, to keep my dream alive战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦
For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes致那击败敌人的勇敢与谦恭
Who said heroes can't beordinarysouls谁说平凡的灵魂不算英雄

They said go 他们说
Theseedsof your demise now have already been sewn你死亡的种子已经埋下

Before you know 你察觉之前

Your head is hanging low your friends lined up in a row你的战友已连排倒下 而你已低下孤高的头
No matter how much rain and winds may blow无论狂风暴雨多么汹涌

Still we will make a stand here all alone我们独自抵抗岿然不动

Who said ordinary players aren't heroes谁说对弈平凡的不算英雄

Love how you stand on your own爱你傲然屹立的神状
Won't bow down to anyone不向任何人弯下脊梁
Love how you keeping fighting on爱你无畏的反抗

When all hope is gone即使面对绝望
Love how you refuse to cry爱你不肯哭一场
Block your fate eye for an eye也要堵命运的枪
We're so similar you and I爱你和我那么像

Both refuse to die都拒绝死亡

Go now? Should I? Wearing these rag clothes去吗 配吗 这褴褛的披风
I'll fight, survive, to keep my dream alive战吗 战啊 以最卑微的梦
For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes致那击败敌人的勇敢与谦恭
Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls谁说平凡的灵魂不算英雄
Love how you stand on your own爱你傲然屹立的神状
Won't bow down to anyone不向任何人弯下脊梁
Love how you keeping fighting on爱你无畏的反抗

When all hope is gone即使面对绝望
Love the glory's all your own爱你身披荣耀的光

Step into the danger zone步入险境战场

You can build the world you won你将建造你的城堡

On top of ruined stones在废墟之上

Go now! Go now! 去啊!去啊!

To keep my dream alive为让梦想闪亮

I'll fight, survive, give everything my life战吗?战啊!献出我的生命

For the meekest and the valiant beat my foes致那击败敌人的勇敢与谦恭
Who said heroes can't be ordinary souls谁说平凡的灵魂不算英雄


warrior [ˈwɒriə] n.,勇士;鼓吹战争的人;武士;战士

bruises [bru:z] n.,擦伤;(bruise的复数)

fissures [ˈfɪʃəz] n.,裂缝;(fissure的复数)

concealing [kənˈsi:lɪŋ] v.,隐藏;隐瞒;(conceal的现在分词)

tame [teɪm] vt.,驯养(……),adj.,驯服的;乏味的;平淡的,vi.,(……)变得驯服

crown [kraʊn] n.,王冠;王权;顶点;花冠,vt.,使圆满完成;加冕;使圆满

bow [baʊ , bəʊ] v.,鞠躬,adj.,鞠躬(的),n.,弓;船头;鞠躬;艏;蝴蝶结

refuse [rɪˈfjuːz , ˈrefjuːs] v.,拒绝;不愿,n.,垃圾;废物;废弃物,adj.,无用的;废弃的

fate [feɪt] n.,命运;命运三女神;宿命;命中注定的事(尤指坏事);死亡,v.,命定;注定

rag [ræɡ] v.,嘲笑,捉弄,欺负,n.,破布;碎布;破旧衣服;碎屑

meekest [miːkist] adj.,温顺的;谦恭的;(meek的最高级)

valiant [ˈvæliənt] adj.,勇敢的;英勇的;坚定的,n.,勇士;勇敢的人

foes [fəuz] n.,敌人;(foe的复数)

ordinary [ˈɔːdnri] adj.,普通的;平凡的;平常的;平庸的,n.,常见事物,普通事物;平常的人或事

seeds [siːdz] n.,种子;籽;起源;起因;萌芽;开端;种子选手;精液;子孙;后裔;(seed的复数),vi.,(植物)结实;繁殖,vt.,种子繁殖;在…播种;确定…为种子选手;除去…的种子;抽出种子选手;(seed的第三人称单数)

demise [dɪˈmaɪz] n.,死亡;终止;让位;传位,v.,遗赠;让渡;转让

sewn [səʊn] v.,做针线活;缝;缝纫;(sew的过去分词)

eye for an eye 以眼还眼

make a stand 进行抵


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[听歌学英文] 漠河舞厅肖恩Shaun-Gibson 英文版

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